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Why salt makes us thirsty

Yes, has to do with a hormone of course. Vasopressin is a hormone that is secreted based on the salt concentration of the blood. This hormone regulates the production of urine in the bladder. It is secreted by a gland located in the brain. The higher the salt concentration of the blood, the more vasopressin…

Home workouts


Let this article serve as a manual not just in quarantine (without heavy weights) but also in how to always maintain higher hormonal response. So we experienced this kind of thing: No gyms. No access to heavy weights. Crisis. We lift tables, cupboards, people, pets. If you’ve trained with heavier weights, now it won’t be…

Proper nutrition

Keto Diet – Description

The keto diet is the most beneficial way of dieting for building muscle mass and getting rid of the excess body fat. Mainly it consists of minimal carbohydrate intake, moderate amounts of protein and high fat. And surely in order to build more muscle mass you need proper weight training. The ketogenic diet enables you…