
Supplements: Creatine powder

Creatine is a natural compound processed in the body which helps create more muscle energy. It is made by combining certain amino acids, meaning it is a derivative of those amino acids. The body by itself produces around 1-2 grams of creatine daily. One of those amino acids is found only in meat and fish,…

Protein powders

Protein powders

Protein powders are a necessary supplement for your bodybuilding needs or any kind of muscle-building activity. Protein builds, maintains, and recovers the body. It comes from the Greek word protos which means “first, most important”. The needed intake is from 1-2.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight depending on multiple factors. This pertains to…

Vitamins and minerals

Vitamins and Minerals – Daily Intake

It is necessary to take vitamins and minerals. If we want our hormones to function with full force, to increase the benefits of nutrition, sleeping and training for muscle growth or losing that excess body fat – vitamins and minerals are irreplaceable. Not to mention their overall effect on physical and mental health. Many recommend…

Proper nutrition

Keto Diet – Description

The keto diet is the most beneficial way of dieting for building muscle mass and getting rid of the excess body fat. Mainly it consists of minimal carbohydrate intake, moderate amounts of protein and high fat. And surely in order to build more muscle mass you need proper weight training. The ketogenic diet enables you…

Sprints or Jogging?

Jogging or Sprints?

With sprints you burn fat several times more than with prolonged jogging or cardio. However, their purpose is not only to lose the extra body fat. Sprinting triggers hormonal response equal to 45 minutes intensive workout with heavy weights. Prolonged and frequent running or jogging is the most “popular” way to lose weight. It is…