Nutrition by body-form

Proper nutrition plays a crucial role in building a stronger and more aesthetic body. Eating healthy food is not the only factor in proper nutrition, but also what, how much, and in what ratio. To a certain degree, this depends upon which category your body belongs to: skinny rounded muscular body-form To increase muscle mass…



Supplements are an addition to diet. They can significantly influence your progress in developing the body you want. Not all supplements are same and not all of them produce the advertised results. Supplements are help, addition, not the most important thing in increasing your muscle mass or achieving aesthetic body. The most important thing is…

How Do Muscles Grow?

How do muscles grow? The answer is mathematically precise. Protein is the basic building block of muscles and all other tissues in the body. When you consume protein, the body breaks it down into its component parts – amino acids. Then the amino acids are carried through the blood into different parts of the body…

Progressive Resistance Training

Progressive resistance training is the gradual increase of weights in exercises. It is also called progressive overload. This enables progress in the increase of muscle mass and strength. If you want constant growth and constant increase of muscle mass and strength, here are the principles that make this possible. The hormonal response that occurs as a…


It might seem unusual why Muskultura has a whole page devoted only to sleeping which is “such a simple thing”. However, great many people don’t sleep long enough and during the best time. That’s why we decided to devote greater attention to this exceptionally important matter and clarify some key elements. Why is sleeping irreplaceable if you want…

Weight Training, principles of

The Principles of Weight Training The principles described here will have the highest influence on your weight training. Regardless of any advice you might get from people experienced in training, these principles are unalterable. Some of that advice may be good. But if you ask ten experienced people in weightlifting about a specific thing, you’ll…

Hormones, definition and description

Hormones, definition and description Hormones are substances produced by certain glands in the body. They are transported through the body by internal liquids, in order to regulate the function of cells and the organs. They perform specific biological functions and enable communication between organs and tissues. With this they regulate bodily functions such as: digestion,…

Soy and soy protein

Soy and soy protein (?)

Soy and soy protein, do you really need them? Soy is preached as a healthy alternative in food especially for vegetarians. Still, in recent times it is of bad repute because people became more aware that it is most often GMO. Still soy is present in enormous number of products. Mostly it isn’t a healthy…