The keto diet is the most beneficial way of dieting for building muscle mass and getting rid of the excess body fat.
Mainly it consists of minimal carbohydrate intake, moderate amounts of protein and high fat. And surely in order to build more muscle mass you need proper weight training.
The ketogenic diet enables you to achieve an ideal hormonal profile and compared to any other eating regime, personifies the most natural way of nutrition for the human body. The fact it is called a “keto diet” tends to place it in a category of “diets” and kind of compare it to all the various diets and attempts for proper nutrition. Which are many.
Mainly, the keto diet changes the operating regime of your metabolism into a superior mode of operation. This is different from other diets which don’t elicit a change in the mode of operation, but they play with various combinations in the context of the same mode.
Metabolism means the way your body uses food to: perform its functions, create energy, grow, heal, etc. The keto regime switches your metabolism to operate in its most natural fashion.
Under “using food” is also meant the type of food used as fuel. As any machine, the body too must work using a certain fuel.
Carbohydrates are one type of fuel, fats are another. This diet switches the metabolism to work on burning fat instead of burning sugars.
With the prevalence of carbs in today’s nutrition, the human body is trained to get its energy from carbs, i.e by breaking them down to the simplest form of sugar – glucose. All the carbs you eat (except for dietary fiber) are converted to sugar (glucose) in the blood.
When your body doesn’t have enough available amounts of sugar and when the stored sugar reserves are emptied, it starts to adapt seeking another energy source – fats. If you switch your body to operate on burning fat instead of sugars, it starts to produce ketones – a byproduct created when the body breaks down fat for energy. Ketones are produced in the liver by breaking down fats from your food and from your excess stored body fat. Ketones become the primary fuel source in the absence of carbohydrates.