Weight training (or, resistance training) to reconstruct the body means:
Methodically applied physical stress to produce desired changes.
Hormones further execute the process of remodeling with which the desired changes are effected in your musculature.
The type and the amount of stress your body is subjected to determines the type and amount of change in your muscular structure and form.
The body will always strive to adjust itself to the activity or inactivity you subject it to. If you run long distances regularly, the body will strive to adjust itself to the circumstances – the stress and the jogging – by reducing weight. Weight is an extra burden and makes jogging more difficult. A note: this is an example that serves to explain the nature and mechanics of the body, not an example that advises jogging to lose fat. Frequent and long-lasting jogging has negative hormonal effects. Muscles are part of the weight. The body will strive to reduce them.
That’s the reason why marathon runners are skinny.
Adaptations from weight training are not automatically beneficial to your health and form. You need to subject your body to the proper amount and type of stress to produce the desired transformations.
What do you want to achieve?
The weight-training program and nutrition guidelines must be formed depending on your current body type and what you want to achieve through weight training.
Do you want to lose body fat? Increase strength? Are you skinny and want to increase your muscle mass? Are you a beginner from scratch? Do you train for a few months, or years? You have a good muscle mass but have hit a plateau?
All these questions will help determine your next steps with resistance training. What workout program to choose? Should you train with heavy or light weights? How long and how often? Do many or fewer repetitions? Should you jog? Long distance or short? Moderate speed, fast, or sprints? What to eat? Carbohydrates, proteins, fats? What ratio?
Three body types
Your next steps in weight training and nutrition should be determined having in mind your current body form.
Generally, there are three body types:
- Skinny
- Muscular
- Rounded
These three categories are general and it doesn’t mean you are strictly in one of them. Your body can be a combination of any of these three body types or be somewhere in between.
Skinny body type
Characteristics: low muscle mass, low body fat, narrow shoulders, and narrow chest.
Exercise and nutrition recommendations:
- Your first and basic goal should be increasing strength and body weight in muscle mass. Because you need to build more strength to build more muscle mass, your muscle-building progress may seem slower initially. That’s why it is needed to increase the daily intake of protein and fats. Your workouts should focus on strength (compound) exercises, not isolation exercises. Compound exercises are those influencing more muscles at once – Squats, Bench Press, Deadlifts…
- In this phase, you need to start with a precise training regimen. You can get a great start with our training programs. You can also get online coaching in performing the exercises.
- Read more here about nutrition. With our diet program, you will have a detailed menu and supplementation instructions.
- You should not spend excessive amounts of energy on other physical activities, jogging, swimming, etc. We don’t have anything against other physical activities and sports, quite the contrary. But if you spend much energy outside the gym, your gym workouts will be less intensive. And your whole progress will be significantly slowed down.
Muscular body type
Characteristics: wider shoulders and chest, good muscle structure, and greater strength.
Exercise and nutrition recommendations:
- Your basic goal should be building more muscle mass, ripped muscles, and increasing your strength. Building muscle mass should be relatively easier for you than for people with other body types.
- Depending on your weight training program, lift weights with which you can do a maximum of 5-8 reps, always with a previous warm-up. Include several compound exercises in each workout.
- If you are a beginner, start with a precise training plan. You can get a great start with our training programs. You can also get online coaching in performing the exercises.
- Increase your protein intake and don’t consume excessive amounts of carbohydrates, and sugars. With our diet program, you will have calculated meals and instructions for supplementation.
Rounded body type
Characteristics: soft muscle mass, rounded face, wide hips, and a large amount of stored fat.
Exercise and nutrition recommendations:
- Your first and basic goal should be lowering your body fat and increasing strength.
- Besides the popular thinking that you should do 50 exercises with 1000 reps each in every workout and jog 20 hours a day, it’s not true. That’s the hard and very slow way.
- Focus on creating testosterone, glucagon, and HGH response, not on burning calories within the workout. Let the hormones do the burning of calories, which occurs after the workouts.
- In this phase, you need to start with a precise training regimen. You can get a great start with our training programs. You can also get online coaching in performing the exercises.
- Depending on your weight training program, train with weights you can do a maximum of 5-8 reps, always with previous warm-ups. Have less than a minute break between sets. Always include compound exercises in your workouts.
- Your workouts should be fast and intensive, not longer than 60 minutes. All exercises you will do must be done in 60 minutes maximum, ideally 45. Explosive workouts induce much, much higher testosterone and growth hormone response than “hard workouts” lasting for 2 hours. Long workouts make the next workouts harder. And needlessly lower your motivation.
- You need to decrease your daily carbohydrate intake to less than 40 grams. Calculate your daily intake of proteins, carbs, and fats. Supplementation with protein shakes (not gainers) and other supplements can greatly help to lose fat. Reduce carbohydrates to switch your body to fat-burning mode.
- Read more here about nutrition. With our diet program, you will have calculated meals and instructions for supplementation.
- You can incorporate 30-40 minutes of biking or jogging, but that’s not 100% necessary. A good weight training program and nutrition will cause beneficial changes in your hormonal reactions. It will switch your body from storing to burning fat. The calories burned in one weight-training workout are meaningless in comparison with the calories burned after. Fats are mostly burned after the workout as a result of the hormonal response that will occur later. The proper hormonal response will activate muscle-building processes and those are the best fat burners.
- To increase proper hormonal response, sprints are a better way than jogging. Do it two times a week on non-workout days. You need only 5-10 minutes to do the sprints.

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