This doesn’t say you should not eat fruits or carbs. We talk mathematics. Over 40 grams of carbohydrates eaten in a day means you won’t release maximum of growth hormone, means lowered fat-burning rate, hindered gains from your training. Not to mention eating 200-300 grams of carbs a day as many usually do.
Request a program with food menu containing exact ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for you.
And if someone believes in the dogma of eating much fruit because it contains vitamins and minerals, we’ll offer them three ways to get the vitamins and minerals and with very low sugar content.
1) Blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, chokeberries (aronia berries), lemons. It’s needed to calculate how much, taking in account your total daily carb intake. (We talk whole fruits not juice).
2) Vegetables with minimal sugar contents: lettuce, cabbage, cucumber, green peppers. You won’t lose anything of vitamins and minerals compared to any fruits. For example a 100 gr green peppers contain 1.5 times more vitamin C than a 100 gr lemons.
3) Nuts and seeds: peanuts, nuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds. It’s needed tp calculate how much, taking in account your total daily carb intake. Still this amount can be more than what’s usually said: “a handful”.
But when it comes about the actual requirement for daily vitamin and mineral intake for someone who does weight training, the needed amounts are usually higher than those possible through the usual food intake.
Read here about the daily necessary doses of vitamins and minerals.