The Effect on Hormones:
Besides lowering your muscle growth and fat burning potential, there is an additional bonus:
We wonder why in the morning we get up swollen and teeter about as zombies, feeling very heavy. Or why after we’ve eaten 100 gr chocolate or drank 2-3 glasses of some soft drink we feel lethargic. (Carbs are not the only one reason for this, there can be various other physical and mental conditions causing this. But when it comes after getting carbs, the conclusion is obvious.)
Don’t be fooled by advices such as “Don’t worry about sugars during the day. You’ll burn them by working out or with running.” We’ll burn just a fraction. But even we burn them 100%, the negative effect already caused on the growth hormone and the other hormones – won’t be burned.
Here goes testosterone too. More body fat = more estrogen = less testosterone. The more body fat the more proneness to estrogen and lower testosterone.
Ignore the “trend” of getting low fat content with high carb content through healthy grains, fruits, brown sugars, low-fat milks. Dietary fats do not cause weight gain. Low fat content in your food is a sure recipe for low testosterone levels. Soon you’ll read about the origins of this “trend” with high carb content and low fat content. And how this “trend” caused an increase of obesity rates in the world, with about 400% increase there where it originated from.
Here are some tests you could do in regards to the effect of carbohydrates:
Eat a 100 gr chocolate. Drink 1 glass of soft drink. After 1-3 hours notice how you feel and what is the difference.
Eat 200 grams of oat flakes. After 2-4 hours notice the level of your energy and how you feel. This is still a healthy food, right?
Eat 3-4 slices of bread or a large piece of pie or 200 grams of pasta right before bedtime. Notice how you’ll feel in the morning when you wake up.
Eat 150 grams of chicken steak with green vegetables and 4 soup spoons of oil. No bread, nothing else. Notice how you’ll feel in the morning when you wake up.
The conclusions will be your and yours only.