How to get maximum gain from every workout

How to get maximum gain from every workout? The answer is: intensive training. What does it depend upon? . Type of exercises performed. Weights you exercise with. Number of muscles involved. Length of rest between sets and exercises. Number of repetitions, sets and exercises. Duration of the whole training. Explosiveness with which exercises are performed.…


How to Overhead Press

The standing overhead press Some of the myths that accompany this exercise is that it is damaging to the knees and/or the lower back. Those myths come out of people who have damaged their knees or back as a result of training in a way which doesn’t treat the body as a system. Proper, balanced…


How to warm up before a workout, the best way

No matter what kind of exercises you are about to do, you always have to warm up before a workout. Besides warming up the muscles, which is mandatory, here we’ll include another, often neglected aspect of warmups. How many times have you heard people about having knee problems, can’t do squats, lower back pain to…


Increasing the Human Growth Hormone

Human Growth Hormone (somatotropin), definition and role Human Growth Hormone (HGH), or somatotropin as it is further called is a vital hormone in the human endocrine system. The endocrine system is a system of glands that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream. The Human Growth Hormone is secreted by the pituitary gland, a small gland…


Insulin, definition and role

Insulin is a hormone that is released when carbohydrates, i.e. sugars are present in the blood. It collects and allocates the sugar for immediate energy requirements, brings a part into muscles and the liver (if they aren’t already full) and converts the rest into fat and stores it. It also stores dietary fats but they…

Sprints or Jogging?

Jogging or Sprints?

With sprints you burn fat several times more than with prolonged jogging or cardio. However, their purpose is not only to lose the extra body fat. Sprinting triggers hormonal response equal to 45 minutes intensive workout with heavy weights. Prolonged and frequent running or jogging is the most “popular” way to lose weight. It is…

Proper nutrition

Keto Diet – Description

The keto diet is the most beneficial way of dieting for building muscle mass and getting rid of the excess body fat. Mainly it consists of minimal carbohydrate intake, moderate amounts of protein and high fat. And surely in order to build more muscle mass you need proper weight training. The ketogenic diet enables you…


Muscle Fibers – Fast Twitch and Slow Twitch

Muscle Fibers The body has several types of muscle or muscle fibers. The one we are talking about here is the skeletal muscle. These are the muscles connected to the skeleton and are part of the mechanical system that moves the body. These are the muscles we want to grow and get ripped. These muscles…


Nutrition by body-form

Proper nutrition plays a crucial role in building a stronger and more aesthetic body. Eating healthy food is not the only factor in proper nutrition, but also what, how much, and in what ratio. To a certain degree, this depends upon which category your body belongs to: skinny rounded muscular body-form To increase muscle mass…


Progressive Resistance Training

Progressive resistance training is the gradual increase of weights in exercises. It is also called progressive overload. This enables progress in the increase of muscle mass and strength. If you want constant growth and constant increase of muscle mass and strength, here are the principles that make this possible. The hormonal response that occurs as a…
