Understanding the principles of building muscle mass with resistance training.
The following exercise is an abdominal exercise that we gave as a response to one of the questions of our readers. First, let’s clear up something. The muscles in the central area of the body are very important if we want greater stability of the body, strength and support for the rest of the body…
How to get maximum gain from every workout? The answer is: intensive training. What does it depend upon? . Type of exercises performed. Weights you exercise with. Number of muscles involved. Length of rest between sets and exercises. Number of repetitions, sets and exercises. Duration of the whole training. Explosiveness with which exercises are performed.…
Improvement or transformation in your body and overall well-being can only be achieved by applying the right conditions that necessitate such change. This is not accomplished through training or nutrition alone. Rather, it requires a proper system that embraces all contributing factors. A workable system is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Each person has their condition,…
Let this article serve as a manual not just in quarantine (without heavy weights) but also in how to always maintain higher hormonal response. So we experienced this kind of thing: No gyms. No access to heavy weights. Crisis. We lift tables, cupboards, people, pets. If you’ve trained with heavier weights, now it won’t be…
No matter what kind of exercises you are about to do, you always have to warm up before a workout. Besides warming up the muscles, which is mandatory, here we’ll include another, often neglected aspect of warmups. How many times have you heard people about having knee problems, can’t do squats, lower back pain to…
If a theory contains words that sound educated, such as caloric deficit and caloric surplus, it doesn’t mean it’s correct. That’s a very popular theory, saying that if you have a calorie surplus or take more calories than you burn – you’ll gain weight, and if you have a calorie deficit or you eat less…
Most people consider that they need to work out until they’ve spent their energy. The feeling of energy is not a sign that there is more of the workout. The feeling of strength or energy during the workout is not a measure for the length of the workout. The feeling of strength or energy during…
With sprints you burn fat several times more than with prolonged jogging or cardio. However, their purpose is not only to lose the extra body fat. Sprinting triggers hormonal response equal to 45 minutes intensive workout with heavy weights. Prolonged and frequent running or jogging is the most “popular” way to lose weight. It is…
Muscle Fibers The body has several types of muscle or muscle fibers. The one we are talking about here is the skeletal muscle. These are the muscles connected to the skeleton and are part of the mechanical system that moves the body. These are the muscles we want to grow and get ripped. These muscles…
The 5×5 Strength-Training Routine StrongLifts 5×5 is a very simple and effective muscle- and strength-training routine. It is one of the most popular muscle-building programs. This program has three workouts a week. It uses only 5 exercises. Each workout you do three exercises with a barbell, 5 sets of each, with 5 reps. Hence 5×5.…